
Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Kärlek

Av Felix - 9 november 2014 17:51





Förlåt för att jag har vart så inaktiv på senaste tiden , de va några veckor sen jag skrev, men nu är jag iallafall tillbaka, hade lite grejer att ta hand om, men nu ska jag börja igen, ska iallfall försöka skriva ett inlägg per dag.




inspiration är ett väldigt starkt ord om man kan säga så. Därför de kan stå för så många saker, de står också för motivation. om du får inspiration av så får du motivationen att göra det. t.e.x om du ser en film, eller ser nån vältränad tjej / kille på instagram. Eller vart som helst, eller om du kollar igenom en katalog med hus / lägenheter så ser du hur snyggt  dom har inrett, så blir du inspirerad och får motivationen att kanske gå till gymmet eller kanske kolla i tidningar hur du kan göra ditt hem finare. 


Fast de va inte de jag ville snacka om , utan inspiration kan också va kärlek.

Jag tror alla tjejer har drömt om sim "brölloppsklämning" och killar drömer t.e.x om att bli "framgångs rika" fast de tror jag nog alla drömmer om. Fast nu vill jag inte snacka om pengar o sånt.. utan jag menar att hitta sin "soulmate" den killen / tjejen som i framtiden kommer va din fru / man. En som alltid kommer va där vad som än händer, nån som gillar dig för den du är, nån som du kan berätta allt för därför hons problem blir Dina problem, man löser alla problem tillsammans och går igenom allt svårt tillsammans.


Och oroa dig inte, och tro att du inte kommer hitta din "soulmate" därför det finns alltid en för just dig, alla är vackra och inge  är perfekt, alla har gjort misstag alla har flaws, va med den som ser din inre skönhet och gillar dig för den du är♥


// Lovar  att kommer fixa sig ♥

Av Felix - 2 november 2014 13:15


your CHARM caught me,

a WISH granted, an ASTRAL BLESSING I received .

I cannot hide my feelings, even in the TWILIGHT 

I am your COURAGE from those UNSEEEN 
our bond.

I will CONDEMN every enemies and give them 

I may have the TITAN'S WRATH,
but you are my COURAGE, you INSPIRE me to be the 
man that I can be. 


you can just STAND BEHIND ME, for

together we are UNBREAKABLE and an UNSTOPABLE 

my love for you will never BURNOUT

I will love you up to my LAST BREATH, until our Destiny Rewind
Av Felix - 31 oktober 2014 23:02


 Allow yourself to dream,

And when you do dream big

Allow yourself to learn
And when you do learn all you can

Allow yourself to laugh
And when you do share your laughter

Allow yourself to set goals
And when you do reward yourself as you move forward

Allow yourself to be determined
And when you do you will find you will succeed

Allow yourself to believe in yourself
And when you do you will find self confidence

Allow yourself to lend a helping hand
And when you do a hand will help you.

Allow yourself relaxation
And when you do you will find new ideas.

Allow yourself love
And when you do you will find love in return

Allow yourself to be happy
And when you do you will influence others around you.

Allow yourself to be positive
And when you do life will get easier. 

Av Felix - 31 oktober 2014 20:51


Go Kväll Bois n Girls  hoppas ni har en riktig skön kväll. Själv är jag hemma o myser bara tar de lite lugnt, tjockar oss framför en film. Hoppas ni hade 

en bra dag också, därför de hade jag iallafall, 

Vakna typ 12 som vanligt käka lite frulle, sen

åkte jag till flanör & nian o shoppa lite.

hittade ett par snygga skor,en t-shirt och en skjorta.

sen åkte jag hem chilla, lite senare på eftermiddagen

åkte jag till köpis o fika lite med min kompis :)

Av Felix - 30 oktober 2014 16:51


she asked him, “do you still think of her
in the middle of the night?” A mouth full of
questions, a mind full of wandering. She
wanted to know the truth, she wanted to feel
some kind of shot go through her heart. The
arrow she hasn’t felt puncture her skin,
in forever.

“No.” He replied, not a piece of him winced at
the question. He didn’t have anything but
honesty in his eyes, seriousness in her voice.
Just a plain, no.

Yet, a part of her couldn’t believe that, she
just couldn’t. She wasn’t sure if it was the
devil in her mind draping sadness over her
ears, causing her to hear “yes” instead of “no.”
She wasn’t sure if it was because he was a good
liar, or if it was just because he was too perfect.
Too honest, too amazing. He was some kind
of perfect.

She would try to sit there and pick out some
kind of flaw in him, anything. She was so use
to being broken, so use to being let down, she
couldn’t get quite comfortable on the pedestal
he sat her on.

Av Felix - 29 oktober 2014 01:55



Three years later, a new girl sits cross-legged on your bed. She tastes like a diffrent flavor of bubblegum than your used to. She opens up a book, that you had read in high school, and a folded photo of us falls out of chapter three. Now there are two unfinished stories resting in her lap inevitably, she asks, and you tell her
” i dated her a while back”
You don’t say ” sometimes when i’m holding you i imagine the smell of her vanilla parfume.
“She was younger than me”
You don’t say ” the sixteen summers in her bones warmed the eighteen winters my skin had weathered, you say 
” it’s nothing now. You don’t say 
- but it was everything then

Av Felix - 27 oktober 2014 19:40

She would be pretty, if she lost about ten pounds.” What if, shockingly, she was perfectly fine with the size of her clothes? What if, you actually realized that her eyes are the prettiest thing you’ll ever look at? But you won’t give her the time of day because her thighs touch, and she can’t fix in a size extra small.

“This is why you shouldn’t make fun of fat people.” You’ll only ever hear this, when there’s a before and after picture involved. Proving that it’s only something to remorse if they decide to become smaller, but if you don’t, they’ll never shut up. They’ll never regret it.

“You look good, did you lose weight?” She didn’t lose weight, she just took the time to put on her make up, and do her hair. You know this, but I mean, fat people can only look attractive if they’ve lost weight. Right?

“You should be eating more salad instead of fries, and start exercising.” Only if they knew, that she does yoga daily, and is a vegetarian. But due to her genes, she will always have the extra curves on her hips. It doesn’t matter if she runs ten miles a day, trust me, she’s done it. It won’t go away, so deal with it.

Isn’t it funny, how just because your body takes up a little more space, it makes you feel less of a person? It’s been in the way girls don’t find him cute, only funny, because when he laughs his tummy chuckles too. It’s how a man will love a girl, inside, but can’t love her on the outside, because she’s got an extra twenty pounds on her. It’s in the way you only see tall and thin on the magazines, and how being a size one isn’t enough. It’s all about being a zero. It’s how girls and guys stay up puking their brains out, following diets that only allow yoto eat 200 calories a day. It’s how she can’t feel beautiful standing next to the girl with skinny legs and a thigh gap because she doesn’t look like that, because she never will look like that. We’ve been brainwashed into thinking that thin is the only form of beautiful for men and women. That the only form of attraction is a girl with a concave stomach and a man with six pack abs. I’ve been brainwashed into thinking that I can only be beautiful with skinny wrists and a space between my legs, that I am not beautiful because I need to squeeze into my jeans. That girls, boys, all over the world feel like they must go to the extremes of starving. Starving, because they are starving to be your idea of “perfect.” Well you know what, FUCK your ideas of perfect. Instead of teaching people to change themselves with your ABC diets, and never eating more than a few calories a day, teach them what true beauty is. Teach them that you don’t have to be less of a person to actually feel entitled to be one.

Av Felix - 21 oktober 2014 21:50


Dagen börja med att jag försov mig o missa bussen... sen har flytit på som vanligt, hade de grymt kul med några kompisar, kom hem käka lite sen träna jag i några timmar, kom hem o chilla lite. sen blev de lite drama osv...


Asså den där känslan?


mitt ex smsa mig, så prata vi i  några timmar,  hur livet har varit sedan vi gjorde slut, små pratade lite.

asså har ni någonsin tänk när ni pratar med en som ni gillar eller ert ex. Typ undra om hon/han är lyckligt, har hon/han hittat nån ny etc. hatar att dom kan va lyckliga medans man sjölv sitter här "Broken" man vet inte liksom vad man ska skriva , sen blir allt akward, först va man den lyckligaste i världen sen när hon / han säger ens namn istället "älsking" osv då vet man att de är över sen efter några veckor så kanske man stöter på varandra så är de som man inte känner varandra... 


Hej Jag heter Felix , och är 16 år gammal och går första året på Real gymnasiet och studerar it/webdesign,

Mina intressen är precis vad jag pluggar, vilket är grafisk formgivning, webbdesign och rörlig bild. Även foto- och filmredigering, layout

Fråga mig

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